One Fine Afternoon on the Sammamish River Trail


Poplars (I think) along the Sammamish River bicycle trail last summer. Starting as Seattle’s Burke-Gilman Trail, the route follows an abandoned rail line from Puget Sound, across Seattle, around the top of Lake Washington, and along the Sammamish River to Lake Sammamish for almost 30 miles of paved, flat bike trail (some of which has some pretty annoying root humps, but it would be churlish to complain too much about such an amazing resource). It passes two blocks from my house, and I’ve ridden or walked some piece of it nearly every day of the 25 years I’ve lived in Seattle. Signs appeared along the trail in the last year or so announcing that it has made the Rail Trail Hall of Fame, which is a little amusing but richly deserved.

2 responses

  1. mechagrue

    I used to live at the other end of that trail, a long time ago. I drew this:

    February 7, 2013 at 4:40 pm

    • I didn’t know that. And I hope I cause no offense if I say that your drawings have gotten better over the years…

      February 7, 2013 at 10:57 pm

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