Posts tagged “Ripples

Mud Ripples, Elwha River


A small side channel, obviously. The sediment bank above this was high and threatening collapse, so no one had walked down there. It was probably very soft.

To give you a sense of the area and especially the precarious state of the banks, here’s a bonus extra photo:


Red Roots, South Fork Thornton Creek


I don’t know to what these red roots belong, but they seem to like being under water. There’s a short stretch of the creek that has a lot of them. They’re eye-catching in person but difficult to photograph. The eye sees through the moving water and assembles an impression of the roots, but the camera just sees everything. Here I attempted to smooth out the water with a slower exposure so as reveal the roots. That didn’t really work, but I like the effect.

After trying that, I went to the other extreme and used an extremely fast exposure to make everything sharp (more or less). This is nothing at all like what the eye sees, but it’s also a nifty effect.
